My mission is to build a yoga and wellness community focused on uncovering and strengthening the innate quest for self-discovery. Here are some reflections on how presence, practice, and community can support that mission.
As a seventy-four-year-old woman, who ignored too long my body’s cries for help, I got a lot of help from yin yoga. When Lisa Walker started teaching at the Kindness Yoga studios, I signed up for all her classes near my house. She begins the class by inviting us to tell her where we need special attention. She follows through with poses that soothe and heal the injured area. With her repertoire of yoga poses Lisa devises modifications for those of us unable to achieve the more challenging positions. I particularly enjoy the way she fits the exercises into the earth’s larger rhythms of seasons and phases of the moon.
Mary DeForest, PhD
As a regular to Lisa’s classes, I have come to enjoy the way she generously shares her quiet caring gifts of intentional class themes such as thoughtful quotes, bits of astrology, seasonal changes, & celestial events. These elements help me to deepen my asana practice. I’m especially grateful for her gentle humor used to help defuse frustration in challenging poses, and the hands-on assistance she offers is more towards improving possibility rather than for correction.
I love my yoga classes with Lisa. As a lady “of a certain age,” who can barely touch her toes, I truly appreciate Lisa’s gentle guidance to simplify poses and her loving encouragement to attempt something more challenging. I love the individual attention she gives each of us to make that one little adjustment that makes all the difference. I love how she gives me suggestions for exercises I can do at home to improve my yoga poses. I love how she starts and ends our practice with inspirational messages that make me feel calmer and more clear-headed. I love her sense of humor, her compassion and generosity. Thanks to her, I’m stronger, more flexible and more at peace than I’ve ever been.
Finding the right yoga teacher is like finding a shell worth keeping at the beach. Lisa is a shell worth keeping. Her classes are always challenging, tailored to those present and offer plenty of options for all ages and levels of competency. She also brings a thoughtful approach to each class and life itself. Her inspirational writing and opening of each session always prompts reflection along with setting the proper mood.